Monday, May 26, 2014

30 Day Challenge: Days 1-15

For some reason, I was feeling overly-empowered and decided to embark on a little "self-awareness" quest.  I thought it was a good idea at the time.  I had no idea that it would grow into what it is now-or that I would actually change as a result. 

This thing is happening on my Facebook page but I am going to post the first 15 days here in one page.  Be inspired!  If you feel that this is a journey that will be of benefit, feel free to start your own quest.  It is all about you.  Doing the work is really its own reward. 

Here it goes (I did not post every day because some of the self-revelations were very personal)

Day 4 of my "me project"...I realize that it is not even a challenge to find things to be grateful for. There are so many wonderful, positive, loving moments that we encounter every day. I'm starting to realize that the real challenge is in not allowing the tiny, random acts of "ew" to derail our joy and peace.

Day 6...Today I am embracing "creative". Somewhere along the road it got buried under practical, focus, survive, and regroup. I didn't realize how much I missed that part of me until she peeked up and said "Hey Girl Hey!" 

Day 7...Making a commitment to go for it. Fear has no home here. What is the worst thing that can happen?

Day 8-I appreciate the individuals and the moments that have come and gone. I will take the time to savor the tiny gifts that I am given so often by those who care enough to share. It can be a word, a smile, anything. It is too easy to take the little things for granted...

Day 9-This one was tougher. I embrace my duality. My femininity influences my aggressive side. My intelligence directs my humor and light. Hiding any area of my spirit is no longer an option; letting the whole person simply "be" is the only way to live in authenticity. Learning and loving all of the pieces of me!

Day 10-Today I challenge myself (and anyone else who is interested) to be aware of different feelings and emotions that flow through the day. Understanding how and why I respond to different things is important. Noting the positive and not-so-positive triggers will allow me to make better decisions and not to be led by my emotions.

Day 11-I'm laughing at myself for even starting this project. I had no idea where it would go. Today I have to shake my head because I realize that one of my biggest internal enemies is impatience. I want everything to move at a pace that is good for me. Realizing the impact that my impatience has had on my life is shocking.. I know there are people that I shut out or down. I didn't give them time to fully trust me enough to show who they really were. I may have walked away from opportunities because I couldn't see the value in giving them time to develop. I haven't even had patience with myself-if a plan took too long to come together I abandoned it. I am not looking back with regret but looking forward to finding out what this new perspective will bring to my life.

Day 13-(yes I skipped 12 because it was a personal insight not to be shared)-Today I realize that it is not fair to "quit and stay" in any of my relationships. No matter if it involves work, friends, or love-if I cannot be "all in" and stay present, I need to do the right thing. Hanging in because of fear or insecurity is not an option. It is not fair to me nor to the other parties involved. I have to be brave and be fair. Step up or tap out.

Day 14-I am almost at the midpoint and feeling really wonderful about this project. Today bounces back to gratitude. I am full of it. I am grateful for the people who have read these posts and found something in them that they can use. I am grateful for the people that pop into my life for what should only be a moment but become true friends. I am so grateful for the many unbelievable opportunities that have come my way. Lastly, I am grateful for myself-my intellect, my silly, my sexy, my heart. Learning to appreciate myself for all that I am, instead of dwelling on all that I am not is a major change and I am grateful to have gotten to that point.

Day 15-Halfway there! I am sitting here laughing at the "real talk" I had with myself this morning, which led to the revelation of today's truth. Another of the biggest obstacles that I have to overcome is the desire to control every..single..thing. I can blame it on my sign (Leo) but at the end of the day, I have to own that some of the stress I allow into my soul comes from this futile and ridiculous need. I have to trust in others, let go, and have faith. Knowing when to let go is not going to be easy. I know I won't always be able to do it but I vow to myself to at least try.    



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